NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Prototyping for MVC [3 dependencies]

Prototyping is a collection of helpers for MVC to assist with wireframing. Quickly generate lorem ipsum for wireframing using the Ipsum helper and fluent api. @Html.Ipsum().h1().p().h2().p() Easily generate placeholder images using the Placehold helper. @Html.Placehold(300, 400).
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NDde [3 dependencies]

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DbUp SQLite Support [3 dependencies]

DbUp makes it easy to deploy and upgrade SQL Server databases. This package adds SQLite support.
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cldrjs [3 dependencies]

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LVMS PortableRest [3 dependencies]

A *SIGNED* library for consuming REST APIs from Portable Class Libraries (.NET 4.5, Silverlight 5, Windows Phone 8.x, and Windows 8.x). Designed to be partially drop-in compatible with RestSharp.
Xamarin Android Binding Library - Ittianyu BottomNavigationViewEx
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Pi.IO.Interop.SundewFork [3 dependencies]

Package Description
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Lemon.Common [3 dependencies]

Lemon dotnet常用方法类库
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NGMLab.Core.Common [3 dependencies]

.Net core logging and common objects Utils
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ES.Ascom.Alpaca.Client [3 dependencies]

This package provide classes, interfaces, ... allowing to send request to ASCOM Alpaca devices
Package Description
Caching abstraction layer for LocalizeServer
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ZCJ.HashedWheelTimer [3 dependencies]

Package Description
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Sitko.Core.Consul [3 dependencies]

Sitko.Core is a set of libraries to help build .NET Core applications fast
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Yawat [3 dependencies]

Yet another WebApi tester is a .Net standard 2.1 assembly that can be used with test frameworks like NUnit to run tests against a web api.
Package Description
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Aptacode.Geometry [3 dependencies]

High performance .net geometry library