NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Algolia.Search [3 dependencies]

Algolia is a powerful search-as-a-service solution, made easy to use with API clients, UI libraries, and pre-built integrations. Algolia API Client for the .NET framework lets you easily use the Algolia Search REST API from your .NET code.
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Minion.Sitecore [3 dependencies]

Useful Sitecore objects extending existing CMS concepts
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Hyperboliq.Ansi [3 dependencies]

Hyperboliq - Predictable SQL
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Patha.Utilities [3 dependencies]

Collection of useful utility methods for (not just) the Universal Windows Platform.
Extensions to System.Data.dll for automatic object mapping from database command results
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IntelHexFormatReader [3 dependencies]

A .NET library to parse an Intel HEX file and emit a representative memory representation.
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Kajabity.Tools.Java [3 dependencies]

Classes to read and write Java style “.properties” files in .NET applications.
Nemerle ( Functional Library
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Tizen.NET.Sdk [3 dependencies]

The MSBuild targets and properties for building Tizen .NET projects.
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TN.Arsenal.Repository [3 dependencies]

Contains CK.Core.WeakAssemblyNameResolver static class.
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Chakad.Logging [3 dependencies]

Chakad is a Library for use with the Clean and CQRS architectural styles for .NET. The Command Dispatcher pattern is an addition to the Command design pattern that decouples the dispatcher for a service from its execution. A Command Dispatcher component maps commands to handlers. A Command Processor...
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ijw.Next.ML.NN [3 dependencies]

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KST.Utils [3 dependencies]

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Plugin.Glypher [3 dependencies]

This plugin extend support for font-glyphs (font-icons) in Xamarin.Forms applications.
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Firepuma.Api.Abstractions [3 dependencies]

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jaytwo.Http.Authentication [3 dependencies]

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ArdNet.DependencyInjection [3 dependencies]

Dependency injection helpers for ArdNet
A .NET 8.0 collection of data access interfaces. Useful to avoid infrastructure data dependency,