Top 20 NuGet websocket Packages

Chilkat .NET Class Library (32-bit) for SSH/SFTP, FTP, PDF, CAdES, XAdES, REST, POP3, SMTP, IMAP, SSL/TLS, Zip, REST, OAuth2, HTTP, RSA, XML DSig, Encryption, Compression, XML, Socket, XMP, HTML to XML, JSON, JWT, OAuth1, conversion, PKCS12/PFX, Java Keystore, ASN.1, PEM, ECC, Async, ...
Chilkat .NET Class Library (64-bit) for SSH/SFTP, FTP, PDF, CAdES, XAdES, REST, POP3, SMTP, IMAP, SSL/TLS, Zip, REST, OAuth2, HTTP, RSA, XML DSig, Encryption, Compression, XML, Socket, XMP, HTML to XML, JSON, JWT, OAuth1, conversion, PKCS12/PFX, Java Keystore, ASN.1, PEM, ECC, Async, ...
Streams for full duplex in-proc communication, wrap a WebSocket, split a stream into multiple channels, etc.
什么是HSL? 这是一个基于工业物联网,计算机通讯的架构实现,集成了工业软件开发的大部分的基础功能实现,比如三菱PLC通讯,西门子PLC通讯,欧姆龙PLC通讯,modbus通讯,AB PLC,基恩士PLC,台达PLC,松下PLC,GE PLC通讯等等,这些通讯全部进行了多语言的实现,当然,主打的 .net 库的功能集成还更加的强大,除此之外,还实现了跨程序,跨语言,跨平台的通讯,让你不再纠结于使用windows还是 linux系统,实现了日志功能,流水号生成功能,邮件发送功能,傅立叶变换功能,等等,将来会集成更多的工业环境常见功能的实现。 为了不让工业4.0只停留在口号上,万...
Package Description
微信 SDK - WebSocket 模块 Senparc.Weixin SDK 开源项目:
Extensions to cryptocurrency websocket clients
websocket-sharp provides the WebSocket protocol client and server. It supports: - RFC 6455 - WebSocket Client and Server - Per-message Compression extension - Secure Connection - HTTP Authentication (Basic/Digest) - Query String, Origin header and Cookies - Connecting through the HTTP Proxy server ...
Backendless is a cloud-based serverless platform which significantly simplifies the process of development of web and mobile applications. This SDK provides the client-side APIs which you can use in your app to take advantage of the Backendless platform functionality. Your application can r...
C# SDK for Alpaca Trade API
The WebAPI Client Service assembly for Allie.Chat, an RSS messaging and routing platform to consolidate messages from multiple providers including Twitch, Discord, Websocket and Tcp.
The server module for a simple websocket server and client implementation with authentication.
A self-hosted, easy to use realtime database
Extensions to cryptocurrency websocket clients (core library, only interfaces and feature classes)
Simple, lightweight, yet powerful way to build reactive, real-time web apps. SignalR hub for ASP.NET Core.
Simple, lightweight, yet powerful way to build reactive, real-time web apps. Library for .NET Core.
The core module for a simple websocket server and client implementation with authentication.
The client module for a simple websocket server and client implementation with authentication.
The client and server modules combined for a simple websocket server and client implementation with authentication.
ExchangeSharp is a C# API for working with various cryptocurrency exchanges. Web sockets are also supported for some exchanges.