Top 20 NuGet script Packages

Cake Build addon for Amazon CodeDeploy.
Chutzpah addin for Cake build.
Cake Addin for working with FTP from a Cake script.
Paket module for cake.
Paket addin for Cake.
Cake Build addon for optimizing images.
Generate documentation from c# script files
Stack based Expression builder and compiler.
AddIn that extends Cake with ability to manipulate the PATH.
Cake Build addin for Apigee management API. Currently only handles proxy deployment.
Cake AddIn for Visual Studio's standalone metrics.exe command line tool
Basic form input control validations
Cake Addin for working with Active Directory.
Cake addin to provide support for Mage.exe.
Cake Chocolatey Module.
This addin is no longer maintained. Please use Cake.Issues and Cake.Issues.PullRequests instead. The Pull Request Code Analysis Addin for Cake allows you to write issue found using any code analyzer or linter as comments to pull requests.
This addin is no longer maintained. Please use Cake.Issues.MsBuild instead. The MsBuild support for the Pull Request Code Analysis Addin for Cake allows you to write any issues logged as warnings in a MsBuild log as comments to a pull request.
This addin is no longer maintained. Please use Cake.Issues.PullRequests.Tfs instead. The TFS / VSTS support for the Pull Request Code Analysis Addin for Cake allows you to write found issues as comments to Team Foundation Server or Visual Studio Team Services pull requests.
This addin is no longer maintained. Please use Cake.Issues.InspectCode instead. The Inspect Code support for the Pull Request Code Analysis Addin for Cake allows you to write any issues logged by JetBrains Inspect Code as comments to a pull request.
Cake AddIn that extends Cake with ability to execute terraform commands. This version was build for Cake v4.0.0