Top 20 NuGet orm Packages

.Net Core3.1 .Net5 .Net6 .Net7 .Net8 安装此版本,好用的ORM框架 ,支持国外主流和国产人大金仓达梦 OceanBase GaussDB QuestDb ClickHouse Oracle MySql Gbase8s SqlServer Sqlite 等, 使用教程:
LINQ to DB is a data access technology that provides a run-time infrastructure for managing relational data as objects.
SQLite-net is an open source and light weight library providing easy SQLite database storage for .NET, Mono, and Xamarin applications. This version uses SQLitePCLRaw to provide platform independent versions of SQLite.
The Dapper SqlBuilder component, for building SQL queries dynamically.
An extremely easy to use Micro-ORM supporting Sql Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sqlite, SqlCE.
You hate verbatim SQL queries with zero type safety for your code but you love the speed? Dapper.FastCRUD is built around essential features of the C# 6 / VB that have finally raised the simplicity of raw SQL constructs to acceptable maintenance levels. These features leave no chance t...
A supercharged .NET SDK for Azure CosmosDB with ORM support
Entity Framework Core Second Level Caching Library.
A high performance Micro-ORM supporting SQL Server, MySQL, Sqlite, SqlCE, Firebird etc..
.NET Standard 2.0 version of ServiceStack.OrmLite
Extensions to support ConnectionSettings with Insight.Database.
NodaTime support plugin for PostgreSQL/Npgsql Entity Framework Core provider.
NetTopologySuite PostGIS spatial support plugin for PostgreSQL/Npgsql Entity Framework Core provider.
Naming Conventions for Entity Framework Core Tables and Columns.
PetaPoco is a tiny, single file .NET data access layer inspired by Massive that works with both non-dynamic POCO objects and dynamics. This package includes the core PetaPoco library + T4 templates to generate POCO classes from your database
Dapper.Mapper is an extension to Dapper multi mapping which figures out the relationships between the returned objects and automatically assigns them. Instead of explicitly writing this: 'var employee = connection.Query<Employee, Department, Employee>(sql, (employee, department) => { employee.Depart...
MySQL provider for Entity Framework Core
A lightweight, database first, micro ORM