Top 20 NuGet netfx Packages

Simple.OData.Client helps you interact with OData APIs that comply with any version of the OData standard. Modern APIs will likely want to use the Simple.OData.V4.Client package, which has a smaller memory footprint and is optimized for OData V4. Commonly used types: Simple.OData.Client.OData...
Simple.OData.Client helps you interact with OData APIs that comply with any version of the OData standard. This package contains everything you need to connect to OData v4 APIs. Commonly used types: Simple.OData.Client.ODataClient
Assortment of various common types and utilities for Emzi0767's projects.
Simple.OData.Client helps you interact with OData APIs that comply with any version of the OData standard. This package contains everything you need to connect to OData v1 through v3 APIs. Commonly used types: Simple.OData.Client.ODataClient
Strong-typed static reflection via Reflect: // Void static method MethodInfo cw = Reflect.GetMethod( () => Console.WriteLine); // Instance void method MethodInfo mi = Reflect<IView>.GetMethod(v => v.Show); // Boolean returning instance method MethodInfo pi = Reflect<IViewModel> .GetMethod<b...
The only argument validation file you need, with full refactoring support and strong-typing. Examples: Guard.NotNull(() => value, value) Guard.NotNullOrEmpty( () => stringValue, stringValue)
A safe sequential GUID generator (or Comb) that improves performance of GUID-style identifiers used in persistence.
Provides a dynamic API over XLinq: var xdoc = XDocument.Load("rss.xml"); var rss = doc.Root.ToDynamic(); // Type conversion, element traversal // using dotted path notation DateTime pubDate =; // Type conversion, attribute navigation // using indexer notation int port = rss...
Implements an event store using Entity Framework, with event payloads persisted using the configured serializer.
Provides an implementation of the message store pattern using Entity Framework code first
xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.MessageStore.EF
Allows querying WCF Web Api endpoints that expose IQueryable<T>, with full query support for nested relationships, etc. Does not deal with response deserialization. Look for HttpEntityClient for that.
Provides a command registry that executes commands with registered command handlers. Typically used in CQRS-style arquitectures.
Implements the Domain Context pattern for EntityFramework 4.1, by extending the DbContext with support for rich domain modeling capabilities for persistence ignorant aggregate roots and dependent entities, including automatic graph saving, logical deletes and more.
xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.DomainContext.EF
xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.EventSourcing.AutoWire
xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.EventSourcing.EF
Useful for testing domains that leverage event sourcing
xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.EventSourcing.InMemory
xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.EventSourcing.Queryable