Top 20 NuGet minification Packages

WebMarkupMin.NUglify contains 2 minifier-adapters: `NUglifyCssMinifier` (for minification of CSS code) and `NUglifyJsMinifier` (for minification of JS code). These adapters perform minification using the NUglify (
WebMarkupMin.AspNetCore3 contains one ASP.NET Core 3.1+ Middleware - `WebMarkupMinMiddleware`.
WebMarkupMin.AspNetCore2 contains one ASP.NET Core 2.X Middleware - `WebMarkupMinMiddleware`.
The Web Markup Minifier (abbreviated WebMarkupMin) is a .NET library that contains a set of markup minifiers. The objective of this project is to improve the performance of web applications by reducing the size of HTML, XHTML and XML code. WebMarkupMin absorbed the best of existing solutions from n...
BundleTransformer.MicrosoftAjax contains two minifier-adapters: `MicrosoftAjaxCssMinifier` (for minification of CSS code) and `MicrosoftAjaxJsMinifier` (for minification of JS code). These adapters perform minification by using the Microsoft Ajax Minifier.
This library can minify and/or bundle any Javascript and/or Cascading Style Sheets. This is a direct .NET port of the original Yahoo! UI Library: YUI Compressor.
WebMarkupMin.AspNet.Common is auxiliary package, that contains classes and interfaces for all ASP.NET extensions.
BundleTransformer.NUglify contains two minifier-adapters: `NUglifyCssMinifier` (for minification of CSS code) and `NUglifyJsMinifier` (for minification of JS code). These adapters perform minification by using the NUglify.
JavaScript and CSS minification Library for use in .NET applications that want to provide minification or parsing functionality.
WebMarkupMin.AspNetCore5 contains one ASP.NET Core 5.X Middleware - `WebMarkupMinMiddleware`.
Bundles and minifies CSS, JS and HTML files
WebMarkupMin.AspNet4.Common is auxiliary package, that contains classes for ASP.NET 4.X extensions.
WebMarkupMin.MsAjax contains 2 minifier-adapters: `MsAjaxCssMinifier` (for minification of CSS code) and `MsAjaxJsMinifier` (for minification of JS code). These adapters perform minification using the Microsoft Ajax Minifier (
A library for optimizing and bundling web assets of ASP.NET Core applications.
WebMarkupMin.AspNet4.Mvc contains 4 action filters: `MinifyHtmlAttribute` (for minification of HTML code), `MinifyXhtmlAttribute` (for minification of XHTML code), `MinifyXmlAttribute` (for minification of XML code) and `CompressContentAttribute` (for compression of text content by using GZIP or Def...
Bundles and minifies CSS, JS and HTML files
WebMarkupMin.Yui contains 2 minifier-adapters: `YuiCssMinifier` (for minification of CSS code) and `YuiJsMinifier` (for minification of JS code). These adapters perform minification using the YUI Compressor for .NET (
WebMarkupMin.AspNet4.HttpModules contains 4 HTTP-modules: `HtmlMinificationModule` (for minification of HTML code), `XhtmlMinificationModule` (for minification of XHTML code), `XmlMinificationModule` (for minification of XML code) and `HttpCompressionModule` (for compression of text content by using...
WebMarkupMin.AspNet4.WebForms contains 5 Web Forms page classes: `MinifiedHtmlPage` (supports HTML minification only), `MinifiedXhtmlPage` (supports XHTML minification only), `CompressedPage` (supports HTTP compression only), `MinifiedAndCompressedHtmlPage` (supports HTML minification and HTTP compr...
WebMarkupMin.AspNetCore1 contains one ASP.NET Core 1.X Middleware - `WebMarkupMinMiddleware`.