Top 20 NuGet imaging Packages

Use this library with the Atalasoft OCR library to add Google's Tesseract v3 engine to the usable engines.
Use this library to add Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to convert scanned images into their contained text.
Atalasoft's DotPdf library helps create programmatic PDF and allows editing of existing PDF files.
Create, load, capture, view, process, convert, print and save images in .NET. Render image region synchronously or asynchronously. Process the whole image or image region, undo/redo results of image processing. Create custom image processing command - architecture is open. Read and write image metad...
Use this library to add the DicomDecoder to Atalasoft's RegisteredDecoders collection to add support for the Dicom medical device format.
Use this library to add the DwgDecoder to Atalasoft's RegisteredDecoders collection to add support for AutoCAD's DWG CAD drawing files.
The ISIS library adds controls and support for interacting with ISIS device drivers allowing for automated and custom scanning applications.
Use this library to add the JB2Decoder to Atalasoft's RegisteredDecoders collection to add support for Jbig2 compressed files.
Use this library to add the Jpeg2000Decoder to Atalasoft's RegisteredDecoders collection to add support for Jpeg2000 compressed files.
Use this library to add the OfficeDecoder to Atalasoft's RegisteredDecoders collection to add support for Microsoft's office file formats (Powerpoint, Word, Excel, Visio and MSG).
Use this library to integrate advanced PDF processing functionality with the rest of DotImage product.
Use this library to add the PdfDecoder to Atalasoft's RegisteredDecoders collection to add support for Adobe's PDF files.
Use this library to add the RawDecoder to Atalasoft's RegisteredDecoders collection to add support for RAW camera files.
Atalasoft DotImage viewers for WinForms. AnnotateViewer, DocumentViewer, and ImageViewer allow for displaying all of our image formats in a windows application.
Atalasoft DotImage viewers for WinForms. AnnotateViewer, DocumentViewer, and ImageViewer allow for displaying all of our image formats in a windows application.
Atalasoft DotImage viewers for Windows Presentation Foundation apps.
Atalasoft JavaScript library for presenting images and documents, including PDF Forms, on a web page.
Use this library with the Atalasoft OCR library to add ABBYY OCR/ICR engine to the usable engines.
Use this library with the Atalasoft OCR library to add ABBYY OCR/ICR engine to the usable engines.
Start with this library in your applications that use images to save developer time and effort.