Top 20 NuGet generator Packages

Library for generating async C# code
Chance.NET randomness generator
The powershell utility contains a set of cmdlets that allow users to execute generators for code generation purpose.
.NET Core command-line (CLI) tool to generate Entity Framework Core source files.
Produces from NuGet packages or reference assemblies System.Reactive Observables for all events within the specified target.
Create webapi controllers based on decorated interfaces. For use with mvc 5
Provides the attributed hooks for invoking logger type generation.
Client implementation to support generated GraphQL query execution as queries, mutations or subscriptions.
Generate report using Word document
Code Generator Toolkit for C# and TypeScript
Code generator
Code generator
Supported Platforms: • ‎NET 8.0 • ‎NET 6.0 • NETFramework Image Components Core Library is part of the Imaging SDK that allows the view, edit, capture, creation and data manipulation. Some of the Image Components functions are: opening file or directory and saving most common images file types (*....
The Bootstrap styled form components for the VxFormGenerator
A Handlebars.NET based implementation for generating documentation for libraries as static HTML websites.
The unstyled version of the input components for the VxFormGenerator
Supported Platforms: • NETFramework Image Components for ASP.Net is an imaging SDK that allows the view, edit, capture, creation and data manipulation. Some of the Image Components functions are: opening file or directory and saving most common images file types (*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.tif;*.tiff;*.bmp;*....
Components for real-time sound device mic-in, audio out, FFT spectrum, arbitrary multi-channel signal generator, WAV file stream reader. Part of LightningChart SDK.
Components for real-time sound device mic-in, audio out, FFT spectrum, arbitrary multi-channel signal generator, WAV file stream reader. Part of LightningChart SDK.