Top 20 NuGet csproj Packages

Small library to generate, query, and modify VS.Net solution and csproj files
.NET Standard library for reading .NET solution and project files.
Allows semantic versioning style fields to be injected into your assemblies via a $SemanticVersion property (MSBuild command line parameter or added to your csproj).
Command line tool for detecting inconsistencies in Visual Studio project files.
A library for reading and modifying .csproj files
Get info from msbuild projects
tool for renaming C# projects
Tool for converting a MSBuild project file to VS2017 format and beyond.
Tool for converting a MSBuild project file to VS2017 format and beyond.
dotnet-properties is a .NET Core global tool which allows to edit project properties using a cross-platform UI.
Tool for converting a MSBuild project file to VS2017 format and beyond.
Enables declaring 'InternalsVisibleTo' items in a .NET project file, rather than declaring them to an AssemblyInfo.cs file.
Customizable VisualStudio .sln parser with project support (.vcxproj, .csproj., …). Pluggable lightweight r/w handlers at runtime, and more … 🌌 The most convenient work with projects, dependencies, their lazy loading, any folders, any items, references and much more in these different worl...
Get msbuild info as cli tool
MSBuild, csproj and props package reference editor.
Tool for converting a MSBuild project file to VS2017 format and beyond.