Top 20 NuGet ajax Packages

As of Cruncher This package becomes obsolete. Cruncher makes optimising your resources easy. It can bundle unlimited combinations of remote and local CSS, LESS, SASS, SCSS, JavaScript, and CoffeeScript files. Combining them, minifying them and caching them in the browser, Cruncher ca...
Includes PageFieldJS file and on edit mode you can change text fields on runtime. Making changes save to sql database with EF CodeFirst and JQuery ajax.
Asp.Net MVC Grid with Ajax Paging. It also supports to search and change pagesize. It has got Edit, Delete, Activate and Deactivate features with jQuery Modal Popup
Asp.Net MVC Grid with Ajax CRUD opeartions and also supports Search, Change Page size and Paging. User can add toggle buttons like Activate/Deactivate with jQuery Modal Popup in rows
jQuery Validation Plugin include additional-methods.js, localization
Microsoft Ajax (microsoft-ajax) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
jQuery Ajax Chain (jquery-ajax-chain) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Jasmine Ajax (jasmine-ajax) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Easily paging in ASP.NET Core MVC that gets data as chunks from database
Chromely CefGlue Gtk implementation library - this is in .NET Standard 2.0 as it can be used in both .NET (Windows) and .NET Core (Windows, Linux). Chromely.CefGlue.Gtk version naming is based Chromely and Chromium versions implemented- major.minor.chromuim version.patch e.g
Chromely Dialogs implementation library - this is in .NET Standard 2.0 as it can be used in both .NET (Windows) and .NET Core (Windows, Linux). Chromely.Dialogs version naming is based Chromely and Chromium versions implemented- major.minor.chromuim version.patch e.g
Enables JavaScript Intellisense for the Bing Maps v6.3 Ajax Map Control in Visual Studio.
The SplitterPanel WebControl splits page content between two seperate and scrollable areas with a moveable divider in between. The control provides several client side events and supports recent versions of IE, FireFox, and Chrome.
This toolbar is an ASP.NET WebControl with a server-side and client-side API. The control's state is automatically maintained between client and server. It uses CSS for its presentation and it can be easily customized through its style sheet. Client side events are provided for handling and cancelin...
This package is MVC Scaffolding for generating Razor Views automatically enhanced with jQuery UI and Wijmo. You will need Wijmo Complete installed and referenced in order to use this scaffolding. Wijmo Complete is a commercial kit of jQuery UI widgets for building Web applications.
This package provides additional rules specifically implemented for Script# code and scripting scenarios.
This package contains the ScriptSharp.Testing assembly which allows you to launch browsers and load pages using the QUnit testing framework while integrating with Visual Studio unit testing features in the IDE. In particular, Script# generates unit test classes and methods within a Script Libr...
Take Command is a wrapper for jQuery v1.4.3+ Ajax that allows you to easily define all your server side calls into one easy to manage object. Commands do not execute immediately, helping to organize your applications, Ajax calls, and their callback functions (success, error and always). When testing...