Top 20 NuGet active Packages

Simple Active directory connection helper built-on another nuget-package
A System.Web.Security.RoleProvider that uses Active Directory groups as its data store. See: for RoleProvider configuration details.
A System.Web.Security.RoleProvider that maps to existing Active Directory groups. See: for RoleProvider configuration details.
Get all users details on current active directory. Winform just for a display but you can use only object "enterprise". To work well the dll have to be initialised with user credentials on the active directory you want scan.
Class Library to access the active directory objects.
MMSC Token Helper would create token for you. You need to create app in app registration in azure. Just supply Client id, Client Secrete, Username and Password.
A simple API for basic Active Directory tasks.
ILdapHelper implementation for cloudscribe Core LDAP authentication support
Package that eases modifcations in AD. I can inivite users,delete users,add users to groups and retrieve all the group names for a provided userid.
MS Windows related tools like icon extraction, reading data from url-files, put text into clipboard, Network, getting metadata from DNS or DHCP or Active Directory
Project to extend the LINQ to LDAP provider with useful features like scopes.
Provides extensions to the ActiveScriptEngine package.
UserActivityStats for ServiceStack provides info on active users, including their's inactivity time and last seen IP
DSInternals SAM implements a client for the Security Accounts Manager Remote Protocol (SAM-R) and Local Security Authority Remote Protocol(MS-LSAD or LSARPC). It can be used to import password hashes into Active Directory or to query and modify LSA Policy.
Ldap classes to simple CRUD objects based on System.DirectoryServices.Protocols for Windows, Linux, Mac
The ActiveCampaign API .NET wrapper.
Nequeo active directory component