Leadtools.Viewer.Controls.Wpf NuGet Package

Supported Platforms:
• NETFramework

Display one or more images with optional interactive UI operations such as pan, zoom, magnifying glass, rubber band, and many more.

This package represents just a small piece of what LEADTOOLS has to offer to create complete end-to-end imaging solutions. 

This package contains LEADTOOLS user interface controls for application targeting the .NET WPF platform.

The LEADTOOLS ImageViewer for WPF provides the following features:

• Supports mouse and multi-touch (gesture) input
• Interactive Modes include Pan, Scale, Zoom to Rectangle, Center at Point, Magnifying Glass, and Pinch and Zoom
• Built-in image manipulation for Rotate, Flip, Resize, and Scale
• Display images based on physical and logical units

This is just a small part of a large technology offering called LEADTOOLS. To see all that LEADTOOLS has to offer, go to https://www.leadtools.com

Use the following link to register for a LEADTOOLS license file that is required to use this NuGet.

Additionally, the link provides access to the LEADTOOLS Installer. The Installer includes 100’s of demo applications with source code to jump start your development:

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Install-Package Leadtools.Viewer.Controls.Wpf
dotnet add package Leadtools.Viewer.Controls.Wpf
paket add Leadtools.Viewer.Controls.Wpf
Leadtools.Viewer.Controls.Wpf Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)

2 packages depend on this package.






