NuGet Packages By Dependencies

Provides a behavior for an element that validates user input
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LSW.Weixin [3 dependencies]

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JeremyAnsel.DirectX.Window [3 dependencies]

A managed window.
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Audit.NET.MongoDB [3 dependencies]

Store Audit.NET Trail Logs into a MongoDB database
Package Description
Swagger Generator for API's built on ASP.NET Core
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SoapFormatter [3 dependencies]

SoapFormatter and related types for .NET Standard
The ExtCore.FileStorage extension component. Based on the ExtCore framework.
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Plexdata.LogWriter.Console [3 dependencies]

Plexdata.LogWriter.Console defines all ILogger derived interfaces for console logging of the Plexdata Logging Writer. This package includes classes that are shared between all available implementations of any of the console logger interfaces.
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TNT.Core.Template [3 dependencies]

Package Description
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DatabaseSandboxer.Config [3 dependencies]

With this packages you can create database for each http call and create sandbox for test
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ReactiveDomain.Messaging [3 dependencies]

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AzureGems.CosmosDB [3 dependencies]

Easy to use Azure Cosmos DB helper library.
Package Description
An extension to the standard krypton toolkit to support .NET Core, .NET 5 and the latest .NET 3.5/4.x framework. This contains enhancements for controls.
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Sincosoft.CBR.Excepciones [3 dependencies]

Package Description
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DFrame [3 dependencies]

Distributed loadtesting framework for .NET and Unity.
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Redakt.EventSourcing [3 dependencies]

Event Sourcing library for the Redakt Framework.
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SmartLibrary.Crypto [3 dependencies]

SmartCrypto, Encrypt, Decrypt, Easy, MD5, SHA256 TripleDES, Cryptography
Library providing communication between Blazor WebAsembly and ASP.NET Server using typed contracts defined through C# interfaces