NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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XMLDiffPatch [3 dependencies]

Generates difference files based on the comparison of two XML documents. This code is based on a very old .Net 1.0 example project. I do not own the code, nor do I maintain it. I am not affiliated with Microsoft in any way.
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Pagination [3 dependencies]

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Mors.Support.Transactions [3 dependencies]

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UEditorNetCore [3 dependencies]

UEditor for NetCore
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Standard.Extensions [3 dependencies]

Extension methods and utility classes that supplements the original functionality of commonly used .NET objects.
Provides Key Vault service management (Fluent) capabilities for Microsoft Azure. This package is in low maintenance mode and being phased out. To use the latest Azure SDK for resource management, please see
Package Description
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Material Design Extensions [3 dependencies]

Material Design Extensions is based on Material Design in XAML Toolkit to provide additional controls and features for WPF apps. The controls might not be specified in the Material Design specification or would crash the scope of Material Design in XAML Toolkit.
Main library for implementing asynchronous messaging
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Syncfusion.Pdf.NETStandard [3 dependencies]

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MyDotey.SCF.Simple [3 dependencies]

SCF, short for Simple Configuration Facade, an abstraction between code and outer configuration
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Geek.Net.MQ [3 dependencies]

加入泛型imessagequeue<t> 支持原始byte[]发送 更新nuget
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FbonizziMonoGame [3 dependencies]

Some libraries that I built over MonoGame Framework to make my games
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Leren [3 dependencies]

Lightweight and simple Excel-based reporting engine allows you to generate reports in Excel (only 2007+ format) using specially developed syntax and data providers. The reporting engine comes very helpful when you need to generate excel-based report with built-in formulas or VBA code even.
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HQ.Extensions.Logging [3 dependencies]

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TheMonitaur.Lib [3 dependencies]

This is the public library for, a free and simple single-source web application for monitoring all your application layers using Tcp, Websocket, and/or WebAPI / Http.
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HEF.Expressions.Sql [3 dependencies]

HEF Expressions Resolve To Sql
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OpenToolkit.Mathematics [3 dependencies]

A basic mathematics library developed primarily for rendering in 3d and 2d.
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Pastor.Common [3 dependencies]

Pastor common houses common utils needed for use in other libraries or projects