NuGet Packages By Dependencies

This package contains shared code for other NuGet packages, and contains no public API in and of itself.
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MediatR.Extensions [3 dependencies]

Handy extensions for MediatR
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XLabs - Platform [3 dependencies]

This package contains the core cross-platform framework for all of XLabs across all platforms.
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XPath2.Extensions [3 dependencies]

Non-official extensions for XPath2.dll (generate-id, base64encode, base64decode, json-to-xml and json-to-xmlstring)
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GitHub [3 dependencies]

Modern .NET Standard library for GitHub.
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Rebex.Elliptic.Ed25519 [3 dependencies]

Managed implementation of Ed25519 signature algorithm with a simple API. Based on Suitable for stand-alone usage or as a plugin for Rebex components. See for usage instructions. Supported platforms: - .NET Framework 4.0-4.8 -...
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Syncfusion.OlapChart.WPF46 [3 dependencies]

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Fenix.Excepciones [3 dependencies]

Proyecto donde se encuentran los tipos de excepciones para los proyectos de Fenix en .NET Core
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Bam.Net.Data.SQLite [3 dependencies]

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SVN.Math [3 dependencies]

SVN Framework
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KodeAid.Extensions [3 dependencies]

Kode-Aid shared extensions library.
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Auc.EventBus [3 dependencies]

Package Description
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EZNEW.Develop [3 dependencies]

All interfaces are here. Install this then, install implementations seperately.
Package Description
Azure Event Hubs is a highly scalable publish-subscribe service that can ingest millions of events per second and stream them to multiple consumers. This library extends its Event Processor with durable storage for checkpoint information using Azure Blob storage. For more information about Event H...
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IF.APM.Messages [3 dependencies]

Immersive Fusion Ingestion related Libraries.
An abp application module that provides payment service.
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Mars.Mathematics [3 dependencies]

This package provides helpful methods and algorithms to handle math computing tasks. It contains implementations for vector and matrix models, mutliple distributions and random number generators as well as several generic distance functions. For more details how...