NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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OmegaEngine.Backend [3 dependencies]

This package contains the actual library binaries for the OmegaEngine without the default assets (content and shader files). It is automatically included by the main package. Use this package directly if another project in your solution with the same build output directory already references the mai...
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Junyi.SharedKernel [3 dependencies]

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geckofx-45 Windows 32bit [3 dependencies]

library that allows embeding gecko in C# applications. Example Usage: [STAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { Xpcom.Initialize("Firefox"); var geckoWebBrowser = new GeckoWebBrowser {Dock = DockStyle.Fill}; Form f = new Form(); ...
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for typescript-stl. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: e1a08ca895eb094c075bc7374b13ea1f3680788c].
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SweekCms.JsonStore [3 dependencies]

Core commanding framework
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programmersdigest.Util [3 dependencies]

Utility classes, helper functions and extension methods of various kinds.
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EcsRx.ReactiveData [3 dependencies]

Reactive data objects for extending the dotnet reactive library, unirx provides this out of the box
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HQ.Harmony [3 dependencies]

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DawnxLite [3 dependencies]

Dawnx lite version. Less dependencies.
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CustomEnvironmentConfig [3 dependencies]

Enables binding environment variables to classes.
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Chaos.NaCl.Standard [3 dependencies]

Package Description
ASP.NET Core support package for ExRam.Gremlinq.Providers.WebSocket.
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ItEnterprise.Data [3 dependencies]

Инструменты доступа к данным через Sql Client
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IAtsPI [3 dependencies]

Provides a unified interface for ATS plugin development. It also includes the structs needed for development.
This packages contains abstractions that could be used to add Redis caching to .NET core applications
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LabApps.Types.Equality [3 dependencies]