Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on INI Parser

Total dependencies: 26

SDK for accessing Lucidtech AI Services
Core assemblies for the .NET version of Pattern Lab
Open-source, cross-platform, multi-purpose security auditing tool - core audit library
Asset Management as a Service - Core SDK
A core implementation of all WakaTime C#-driven plug-ins for IDE such as Visual Studio, Xamarin Studio, Monodevelop etc. This plug-ins will help to collect metrics, insights and time tracking automatically generated directly from your programming activity.
Implement StreamStorage, with aliyun oss.
Extension on IniWrapper that uses Ini-parser library to parse ini files.
Abstract Distribute Counter, you can implement it, store in redis or relative-db.
Abstract Stream Storage, you can implement it, such as aliyun oss, amazon s3.
Semiodesk.TinyVirtuoso offers a small and easy to deploy solution for people who want to use OpenLink's Virtuoso database.
A generic INI based configuration system, building off INIFileParser by Ricardo Amores Hernandez.
The dynamic configuration manager for .NET
A simple, lightweight serialization facade for reading and writing INI files to and from plain-old csharp objects.
SVN Framework
Adds variable substitution to ini files loaded with ini-parser package
Package Description
Build innosetup iss file with project details
Generate ini files with automatic code compatibility generation