Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens

Total dependencies: 541

基于.net 6 的微服务开发框架 core mvc 扩展项目,添加了微信登录(WeChat),支付宝登录(AliPay),自定义授权认证(BearerAuthorize),全局异常处理(ErrorHandling),返回值封装(WebApiResult))
Kraken is a set of open source libraries for SharePoint development. The package includes code for writing provider hosted apps, including CSOM utilities.
This component will be registered JWT Authenticate in ASP.NET CORE project.
SignalWire development kit for operating with services.
BLAM3 is a media services integration platform that unifies production and supply chain operations for the media industry. The BLAM3 .Net SDK provides the coding framework for developers to create their own BLidgets and Plugins for running within the BLAM3 Workflow Runner. It can also be used to r...
This library contains some of utility tools that is to help for boost up the generic host with gRPC protocol.
Middleware that enables an application to use OpenIdConnect for authentication. Supports Authorization Code, Implicit and Hybrid flows.
Azure authentication using Azure Graph Unified 2.0 endpoints support for ServiceStack. Supports multi-tenant authorization through Azure. This package includes the ServiceStack plugin and supporting services.
Bearer Token and logging to fast start any ASP.NET Core project
Microsoft.Owin 3.1 Authentication Middleware for JBoss Keycloak 3.2
Core SDK that serves as the base for other Token SDKs.
This component will create a Proof Of Possession (PoP) Token .NET Standard 2.1
Xomega framework for building ASP.NET Core based Web API and apps.
Middleware for ASP.NET Core to enable the tracking of anonymous users
Based Librame.Extensions.Core.Abstractions on Encryption extension package.
Three utility services are provided: Vouchers, JWT's, and general cryptography. The vouchers component allows for the creation of cryptographically signed vouchers and the validation of their redemption. The JWT utilities valid JWT's using standard configuration patterns put in place by ...
.NET helpers for Lucas Costa