Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Data.Sqlite

Total dependencies: 281

Package Description
.Net Core3.1 .Net5 .Net6 .Net7 .Net8 安装此版本,好用的ORM框架 ,支持国外主流和国产人大金仓达梦 OceanBase GaussDB QuestDb ClickHouse Oracle MySql Gbase8s SqlServer Sqlite 等, 使用教程:
BotDetect CAPTCHA Generator protects ASP.NET/Core forms from spam. The Captcha protection is available on .NET/Core for jQuery, Angular & React frontends and ASP.NET MVCCore, MVC1-5, WebForms & WebPages backends. It works in China; doesn't stalk; nor does it slurp your form-data -- think: GDPR & LGP...
Provides a default set of APIs for building an ASP.NET Core application, and also includes API for third-party integrations with ASP.NET Core. This package requires the ASP.NET Core runtime. This runtime is installed by the .NET Core SDK, or can be acquired separately using installers available at ...
Akka.NET Persistence journal and snapshot store backed by SQLite.
Generates server and script side code for Serenity platform applications
FMS Insight is a client and server which runs on an flexible machining system (FMS) cell controller. It provides a server which stores a log of all events and stores a log of planned jobs, a server which translates incomming planned jobs into jobs in the cell controller, a REST-like HTTP API ...
FMS Insight is a client and server which runs on an flexible machining system (FMS) cell controller. It provides a server which stores a log of all events and stores a log of planned jobs, a server which translates incomming planned jobs into jobs in the cell controller, a REST-like HTTP API ...
LiteGraph is a simple graph database using Sqlite with GEXF output support.
CoreSync is a .NET standard library that provides data synchronization functions between databases. This is the SQLite provider assembly.
A simple local caching provider based on Microsoft.Data.SQLite
DbUp makes it easy to deploy and upgrade SQL Server databases. This package adds SQLite support.
Deprecated; please use DatabaseWrapper.Sqlite instead. Simple wrapper for Sqlite databases written in C#.
EasyQuery DbGate class for SQLite
FMS Insight is a client and server which runs on an flexible machining system (FMS) cell controller. It provides a server which stores a log of all events and stores a log of planned jobs, a server which translates incomming planned jobs into jobs in the cell controller, a REST-like HTTP API ...
SQLite Sync Provider. Manage a sync process beetween two relational databases provider. This provider works with SQL Server and can be used only as Client provider. Use SqlSyncProvider or MySqlSyncProvider for the server side .Net Standard 2.0
Provides entities and sql data support for Zebble.
netstandard2.1 C# for Linux (or Windows)