Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

Command, Dependency Property and Attached Property patterns. Also contains WPF controls for PostSharp.Patterns.Model. An official PostSharp pattern library.
DryIoc.MefAttributedModel is DryIoc extension to support Microsoft Managed Extensibility Framework for DryIoc container
Configuration support for Autofac.
Castle log4net integration, logging services from Apache based on log4j
Ninject extension that preserves the context over factories (the parent of the new request is the factory request)
Automock implementation using Ninject to create the objects under test.
The Simple Injector ASP.NET Integration package adds a lifestyle to the Simple Injector called 'Per Web Request', which allows instances to live within a single HTTP request and get disposed when the request ends.
Provides a unit-of-work plugin for Rebus
Windows services framework with DI
Easy for DI register, Auto register services, Decorate service with attribute
Extensions and helpers for SimpleInjector
A Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting IHostBuilder extension, which allows Stashbox to be configured as the default service provider.
Core component for Inetdev Framework Std.
ASP.NET Core multi-tenancy component for Inetdev Framework Std. A .NET Core library for multi-tenant web requirements.
ASP.NET Core component for Inetdev Framework Std. A .NET Core library for common web requirements.
Castle Windsor WebApi facility lets you easily add windsor to aspnet webapi apps.
DryIoc is fast, small, full-featured IoC Container for .NET
This package allows Autofac to integrate with the log4net logging framework. The main feature of the package is its Log4NetModule for Autofac.
ASP.NET Core application builder extension which allows Stashbox to be configured as the default service provider.